
Isolated fatty deposits may be making it difficult to achieve your ideal body contour, and diet and exercise may not be doing much to help. Liposculpture removes stubborn fatty deposits around the body by suctioning out the subcutaneous fat and permanently removing it from the body.


Isolated fatty deposits may be making it difficult to achieve your ideal body contour, and diet and exercise may not be doing much to help. Liposculpture removes stubborn fatty deposits around the body by suctioning out the subcutaneous fat and permanently removing it from the body.

Are you fully satisfied with the contours of your body? Are there one or two regions that stubbornly refuse to slim down? Although you may maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly, localized fatty deposits on your body can be resistant and remain unresponsive to your efforts.

Localized fat can occur for many reasons. Whether you have gained and lost weight, had children, or are genetically predisposed to a particular body shape, fat can collect in certain areas that makes it difficult for clothing to fit properly, and for you to feel fully confident in your natural shape.

When you feel as if you’ve exhausted all of your options, it’s time to consider liposculpture at Medicare. Liposculpture targets disproportionate fatty areas and reduces them in order to create a more appealing shape and help you feel more attractive and proud of your physique.

Finding the right treatment option for your needs

Liposculpture can work wonders for your body contour, but there are some limitations that may keep the procedure from producing optimal results. We recommend that you be within 30% of your ideal weight and have a greater amount of skin elasticity. Although liposculpture is capable of removing fat, it does not treat excess skin or cellulite. You may require additional body contouring techniques if you experience sagging skin that will not constrict once liposculpture is complete.

Areas that respond well to liposculpture include:

  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Waist
  • Abdomen
  • Chin and neck
  • Back
  • Upper arms

In addition to the various regions where liposculpture is effective, the surgery can also be combined with other procedures to create a figure that aligns with your aesthetic goals. Liposculpture is often performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck, breast reduction, or facelift, and is considered essential when providing any enhancement to the contours of the body.

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